
Showing posts from August, 2015

How to stop and restart a service struck on stopping/starting:

Step1 : Open PowerShell as Administrator. Get-SPServiceInstance -all |where {$_.TypeName -like "ServiceName*"} (To get the Instance ID of the service causing the problem.) Step 2: run below command for stopping the sercive $srvc = Get-SPServiceInstance "here you have to give service id obtained from the above command" $srvc.Unprovision() Step 3: please run below command for starting the excel service $srvc = Get-SPServiceInstance "here you have to give service id" $srvc.provision()

TCS Interview Questions (June 2015) :

TCS Interview Questions (June 2015) : 1)Name of W3WP process for sand bx solution? 2)Default databases created after SharePoint configuration? 3)Search Topology and databases created in search ? 4)How to identify a WFE ? 5)Powershell Commands for SharePoint Site Backup and Restore ? 6)Steps for configuring UPS and how does synchronization work ? 7)How to deploy GAC WSP ? 8)Differences in SP 2010 & SP2013 ? 9)Steps involved in SP2013 Migration ?(Check List) 10)Web Application is intermittent , how will you troubleshoot ? 11)Steps to add Photo property in UPS ? 12)disaster recovry plan in SharePoint ? 13)What is Log Shipping DB in SharePoint ? 14)Steps to Create SSL ?