
Showing posts from December, 2014

Configure SSL for SharePoint 2013

My Setup  : IIS 7 SharePoint 2013 Windows Server 2008R2 HTTP Web Application on Port 80 Steps : Create Self Signed Certificate on IIS 7 Import Self Signed Certificate to SharePoint Certificate store Add Self Signed Certificate to trust management in Central Administration Configure IIS Binding Extend Web Application. Creating Self Signed Certificate : 1.  Logon to IIS . Run --> inetmgr 2. Click Domain (http://localhost) name on the Left pane. 3. On the Right Pane click "Create Self Signed Certificate" 4.4.   Specify any friendly name to  the certificate 5.5.    Double click on this created Certificate and go to Details Tab and click   “ Copy to File... “at the bottom. 6 Select  No , do not export the private key and click Next , Select  DER  encoded binary and click Next, Specify the  location  for the certificate and Click Next and then...

The memory usage on the current server is about {0}. This can cause the eviction or throttling of the Distributed Cache Service

Health Analyzer has detected Critical Issues : The memory usage on the current server is about {0}. This can cause the eviction or throttling of the Distributed Cache Service After enabling the usage and data collection service in SharePoint 2013, i was getting the following warning in windows event log: The SharePoint Health Analyzer detected a condition requiring your attention.  The Current server is running low on memory. The memory usage on the current server is about {0}. This can cause the eviction or throttling of the Distributed Cache Service/ Check the memory usage on the machine.And try to free up some memory or add more ram on the machine. For more information about this rule, see "". How to tackle this memory consumption and performance issue in SharePoint 2013: First, if in you are not utilizing the document activities, feeds or micro-blogging services in SharePoint so it is recommended to stop the Dist...

HTTP 403 Forbidden SharePoint 2013

Today  I faced an Issue in SharePoint where I got the error :"HTTP 403 Forbidden" for any site collection under a Web Application and this problem existed on Central Admin. Error : HTTP 403 Forbidden This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage. This problem occured after I tried configuring the SSL certificate for Central admin and the other Web Application. In this attempt I managed to Crash my SharePoint Farm. I have tried accessing the site from IIS with no go. Did Run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard successfully. Tried accessing the Central Administration Page with no go :( Resolution: After Trying the above options which did not work , finally I have deleted the Central Administration site from IIS. Run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard again and the Central Administration site has  been recreated. Launche...

Enable Sign in as Different User in SharePoint 2013

As we are aware the Option to sign in as different as user has been hidden in SharePoint  2013. We can enable this by adding  _layouts/closeConnection.aspx?loginasanotheruser=true to the URL . However by following the below steps we can have the option enabled for entire Farm. Go to the location  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\Web ServerExtensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES . Add the Following code to the "Welcome.ascx" File  <SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_LoginAsDifferentUser"   Text="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuser%>"   Description="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuserdescription%>" MenuGroupId="100"   Sequence="100"   UseShortId="true"   /> Refresh the Web Site Page and the option will be available.

Unable to access SharePoint Sites after Upgrade to SharePoint 2013

After Upgrade to SharePoint 2013 Enterprise , I did run the PSConfig.exe and it has  executed succssfully. However I have trouble accessing mt SharePoint sites.irrespective of any account ,it gives me the error message : This access hasn't been shared with you (or) it gives me a drop down with 2 options Windows Login 2 times. I googled through and found the same issue explained 1 of the sites. It says that the issue could be because of the type Authentication.In SharePoint 2013 the Default Authentication type is Claims. Hence I executed the below command. Convert-SPWebApplication –Identity <yourWebAppUrl> –To Claims -RetainPermissions After this I have tried accessing the websites as Farm admin and was able to access with no problem
Search Does not give results and throws the following error message under crawl logs Error: The Search request was unable to connect to search service I Checked the event viewer and could not find    errors. Done index reset and restarted crawl , all the time I see crawl is done successfully but search does not give any results. As per one of the blogs suggestion I added SPS3 infront of the content source apart from http://2013 ,I also added SPS3://2013 ,done index reset and crawl with no success. Finally I Figured the silly mistake that under Service connections of that specific web application I did not have search Service Application checked. Without anymore index resets , I just did a full crawland it worked like a charm .

Query Server Status is Not responding or is offline

I followed the below commands to resolve the issue To Bring Query Component  status to Online and restart the Crawl. Please perform the below Steps:     Step 1: Stop all the crawls   Step 2: PowerShell Command:   $ssa =  Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Identity "Search Service Application" $queryComponents = $ssa | Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology -Active | Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryComponent $component = $queryComponents | where {$_.ServerName -eq "QueryServerNameWhichIsDisabled" } $component.Recover() Step 3: Then restart the crawl.

ULS Viewer Run Time log capturing not working

Uls Viewer sometimes stops capturing the Run Time Logs this happens when their is/are corrupt log or usage files in the log folder. To Resolve the issue: We move all the log and usage files from the existing log folder to a different backup folder except the current log files in use. It will resolve the ULS runtime issue J

SharePoint is very slow and takes a long time to load.

I Recently faced an issue : SharePoint is very slow and takes a long time to load. In Central Admin under the Task Manager I noticed that there are 9 w3wp.exe process running and 1 of it is really consuming a large memory. I have determined the related App Pool for the w3wp.exe using the following command. Run the following command from the following location: Cd C:\%SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv Command: appcmd.exe list WP Note: This command returns results only if we have w3wp.exe process is running under task manager This has allowed me to know which app Pool is the cause for the slowness of the server Later I realised that on the weekend I have received almost 60 auto triggerd emails from 1 of the Scheduled workflows which is trying to run every 5 mins and is the reason for Issue. Solution: 1) I Terminated the Scheduled task for work flow 2) As I now know which App Pool is causing the issue , I have recycled it after terminating the Scheduled task. Wihout a ...